Welcome To My Blog!

Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am Amogh, and I am a UI/UX designer making some cool things for Design Infuse. I love to tinker and learn new things.

Why did I start this blog?

I love writing. I have been writing things for as far as I can remember. In grades 1 through 4, they were small snippets of the day’s events at school. In grades 5 through 8 they were small poems and essays. I even dabbled with writing a short suspense story on Wattpad back in 2010 (before a lot of people actually knew about it) and eventually gave up on completing it.

I joined University (or as we call it in India - college) in 2013 to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science & Engineering (which is basically Computer Science & Engineering, but without Compiler Design and Advanced Computer Architectures). Since then, I haven’t been writing as often as I used to because of the varied interests I was pursuing at the time. I very briefly did have a comedy centric blog called The Rider’s Journal back in 2016, but the interest in writing for it petered off later in the year, and I never ended up pursuing it any further.

I’d like to get back to writing, and I feel this is a perfect opportunity to do so.

I also love to learn new things. Since I co-founded Design Infuse a couple of years ago, I haven’t really been able to learn some of the newer things that I have been wanting to learn like Gulp, Sass, or newer technologies like Angular and so on. This blog offers the perfect platform for me to do that while also documenting the journey along the way.

I also love to tinker, and I often find myself trying out new things like Vim or Emacs, or even different things like new desktop environments in Linux. It is a fun way to learn different things about the computer that I use on a daily basis, and gives me an opportunity to explore the wonderful world of open-source software and maybe make my contributon back to the community along the way.

As a designer, this blog is also a way for me to improve my craft and learn new skills. I have always wanted to learn how to design vector art, and while I do know how to use vector tools (I use them for mockups and wireframing after all), creating illustrations and digital art is a whole other ball game. So you will these in the images that I create for each blog post. They might not be the best, but this blog is meant to showcase the journey after all.

I have also wanted to always learn motion design as a designer, and I am accomplishing this with the animation on the front-page. This will change on a constant basis, with a blog post that accompanies the change explaining how it was done/executed.

What can you expect to see on this blog?

Well, a mixture of all the things I mentioned in the previous section, I suppose, but here’s a more concise list:

  • Articles on design, and various design tools (like Figma, or Adobe Illustrator)
  • Articles on learning new things, difficulties I faced, and how I overcame them. These will cover topics mostly from the following:
    • New Unix related things like desktop environments
    • Build tools or new workflows that I am trying
    • New languages
    • New projects
  • My journey on moving my workflow to a fully open-sourced one
  • Blogs that explain how I built certain things on this website …and so on.

Look out for these over the next few weeks

I will be starting off with a series on how I started exploring the JAMStack and built this website on it. You will also find an article on how I created the animation (very simple, really). You can also look forward to other small changes on the website (design-wise) as I optimize and tweak certain things.

I look forward to writing these articles and sharing them with you soon. Until next time!